Lenz, Sally Montemayor


Dr. Sally Montemayor Lenz Lenz has over 30 years of experience in higher education. She began her career in 1988 with the state California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. At the Chancellor’s Office, she held state-wide

leadership positions in the areas of Academic Affairs, Student and Support Services, Matriculation, Middle College High Schools, Fund for Student Success, Legislation, Liaison to the Board of Governors and Consultation Council, Grants and Contracts, and Management Information Systems,
with special emphasis on STEM, MESA, Puente, and Umoga. Currently, she provides consulting and grant writing services on projects related to advancing student equity and diversity, faculty diversity, Guided Pathways; the development of meta- majors; AB 288 CCAP dual/concurrent enrollment agreements; AB 705 Student Success Act of 2012 – matriculation and assessment; student support services, to include dual enrollment, student equity and diversity; instructional programs, dissertation reviews and technical assistance. Additionally, she has conducted consulting and advisory projects with a national firm directed at guiding higher education policy on instruction, student services and strategic planning.

Dr. Montemayor Lenz also served as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Educational Services for the Contra Costa Community College District, which comprises Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College and Los Medanos College. As a member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet, her responsibilities included the leadership and support of educational programs, drafting and analyzing district-wide policies and procedures, workforce and economic development, student services, international education and distance education. Most recently, Dr. Lenz she served as the interim Vice President at Los Medanos College (LMC). In addition to her role as Vice President, she led team development in the launch of Guided Pathways – LMC Redesign for Student Success, eLumen, and participated in accreditation, strategic planning, curriculum review and development, and faculty and staff hiring. She currently serves as an educational consultant.

As a bilingual, first-generation college graduate, Sally understands and appreciates the value of education. She is passionate about student success and college opportunity and affordability. She is a past faculty member at Sierra College from 2006-2013 where she served as an adjunct counselor and a Puente program mentor while working at the state Chancellor’s Office.